Why do we get sick? Where does the imbalance come from? And why do the usual sufferings never seem to leave us?
Answering these questions requires great ambition, being a topic of debate in both ancient and contemporary science. Using the available studies and the skills acquired, we will try to offer an explanation.
As we have previously illustrated, the atoms that make up the cells of our body have a magnetic field that generates a specific frequency. Consequently, they are sensitive to all external magnetic variations. When the balance between electrons (negative charges) and protons (positive charges) within atoms is disrupted, an imbalance occurs that manifests itself in a biochemical response at the tissue level and, in some cases, in a pathological condition.
But what are the external causes that induce the loss of homeostasis in our organism? Adopting a healthy lifestyle, following a correct diet, ensuring an adequate water intake in terms of quality and quantity and avoiding the intake of toxic substances are not always sufficient to protect our health.
It is essential to understand that the "Earth's Magnetic Field" plays a crucial role in our lives. The variations of the Earth's magnetic fields in the atmosphere affect the health of living organisms, explaining why we often experience the same ailments in certain environments and conditions. But how does this happen? And how can we always remain protected and in harmony with the Earth's magnetic field?
To answer these questions, it is necessary to provide some technical knowledge based on NASA information. Between the ionosphere and the Earth's crust there is a difference in magnetic charges in the environment in which we live, known as "Schumann Resonance". This phenomenon, discovered by the German physicist who was the first to measure it mathematically in 1952, generates three types of frequencies: 7.83 Hz, 14.1 Hz and 20.03 Hz.
The frequency of 7.83 Hz is called the "Fundamental Frequency" or "Schumann Frequency", and is the main regulator of biological processes on our planet. It is believed that life on Earth was possible thanks to this frequency. Various factors, such as lightning activity, solar winds, telluric activity and other events that alter the magnetic field, known as geopathies (from the Greek "geos" meaning earth and "patos" meaning to suffer), can modify the Schumann frequency on Earth. Prolonged exposure to a frequency other than the Schumann frequency can cause imbalances in our organism.
NASA has confirmed this theory: astronauts in space, not protected by the Schumann Resonance and the Earth's magnetic field, have experienced a significant deterioration in their health. The problem was solved by introducing the "Schumann Simulator" in each spacecraft, a magnetic pulse generator that reproduces the Schumann frequency, similar to our EarthBeat Ambient.
This proves that we cannot enjoy good health if we are disconnected from the Earth's biological frequency that protects us.
check out our schumann resonators: https://green-shield.it/collections/schumann-frequencies