The process by which mitochondria influence cellular health and the immune system is extremely sensitive to lifestyle. And that’s great news.
Mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells, produce 95% of our daily energy needs. What is good for mitochondria is good for our overall health, performance, mental health, immune system and resistance to new pathogens. It is up to the individual to choose whether to enhance mitochondria or let them become empty.
Here are the best ways to increase energy triggers and strengthen your immune system.
All forms of exercise belong to a mitochondrial green zone. Intensity has the most significant effect on mitochondrial respiration: marathon training wears and tears; high-intensity interval training cleans and strengthens.
High-Impact Method (if you’re already relatively fit): Warm up for three minutes on a bike, treadmill, or jogging trail. Then snatch (maximum performance) for 30 seconds. Slow down for 90 seconds. Repeat eight times. Cool down for two minutes. The 20 minutes of this protocol increases HGH (human growth hormone) sevenfold, improves mitochondrial function, and reduces the risk of heart disease. Start with once a week, then twice. Less: Take a long walk in nature as often as possible.
Processing food into cellular fuel is hard work for mitochondria. The more we eat, the harder we force mitochondria to work. Less food means more time and energy for other tasks, such as cleaning up the dead bodies of mitochondria (mitophagy).
Example: Leaving a slight craving before finishing eating. The burning sensation that remains throughout the day is not due to hunger, but to cellular regeneration.
The tasks of the mitochondria are further reduced with intermittent fasting, which gives the mitochondria the opportunity to fight off oxidative and nitrosative damage. Intermittent fasting is habitual, relatively low-effort, but just as effective as long-term fasting, without the prolonged suffering.
Weekly fast: Fast one day a week, drinking plenty of water (3-4 liters).
Daily fasting: Eating within a 4-5 hour window, for example only between 2pm and 6pm.
A ketogenic diet is high in healthy fats and low in carbs, which helps the liver produce what are called ketone bodies, a superior fuel for the body and brain. Mitochondria love ketosis because ketones burn cleaner, causing less wear and tear on their ranks.
Example: Minimize simple carbohydrates like sugar, wheat, pasta, rice, and processed foods. Get your carbs from whole grains, organic vegetables, and local organic farms. Satisfy carb and sugar cravings with healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, seeds, fish, and free-range meats. If necessary, go on a free lunch once a week.
We can't eliminate all the toxins in the modern environment (about 80,000 in the immediate vicinity), but we can eliminate the most obvious ones.
Example: Use only pure consumer products. Avoid additives and preservatives. Drink clean water. Breathe clean air. Avoid processed, packaged, and canned foods. Sweat a lot. Poop at least once a day. Avoid synthetic drugs (such as painkillers) unless absolutely necessary.
We are all different in terms of the types of foods and micronutrients we need. Few tests provide a full understanding of how to personalize our nutritional strategy, other than a comprehensive metabolomics test that can define a precise and personalized protocol. Supplementation is also important, but only if we understand our individual needs. Fifty years ago there were no supplements, why do we need them today? Because 50 years ago a piece of broccoli had 10 times more nutrients. Soil erosion caused food erosion, which caused health erosion. Supplementation has become vital. With one caveat: the type of supplements we need is also highly individual.
We lack touch, by default. Mitochondria thrive on a caring touch. A deep tissue massage also leads to mitochondrial biogenesis, the division of mitochondria. Touch, whether affectionate or playful, is one of the highest sources of energy available. Respect strength. Strength can energize or drain energy. We know which is which.
Example: Hug.
The Earth's negatively charged electrons swamp free radicals, which are missing an electron. Nature is not just a spectacle, it is a spectacle to be digested.
Example: Play with the earth and the ground. Go hiking, trekking or running deep into nature as often as possible. Any exposure to nature is rejuvenating, and one of the reasons is the Schumann resonances. If this is not possible, consider one of our Earthbeat devices.
Example 2: Explore the therapeutic power of our devices to re-energize cells and combat chronic disease and fatigue with precise natural frequencies that support the body's self-healing tendencies.
The evidence against man-made EMFs (electromagnetic fields) is strong but unrecognized. Microwaves hit the mitochondria where they hurt the most: at the frequency level. EMF pollution has been linked to brain tumors, cancer, Alzheimer's, migraines, Parkinson's, osteoporosis, skin problems, behavioral problems in children, and DNA damage, with minimal media exposure. Cell phone radiation also disrupts the blood-brain barrier, allowing heavy metals and other toxins to enter the brain.
Example: Reduce man-made EMF radiation in your living environment, especially at night. Set a sleep timer for your Wi-Fi. Automatically turn off your cell phone or put it in a safe place. Avoid prolonged proximity to cell towers or power lines. To learn more about sources of harmful electromagnetic fields, click here. Here, too, you can consider some of our Earthbeat devices or even shungite or orgonite pyramids.
We are sunlight deficient, by default. Sunlight should provide two-thirds of our daily vitamin D needs. Natural light has a healing spectrum that we need to accommodate throughout the day. Mitochondria love natural light. Human-made light, especially from phones and screens, tells the amygdala that we are okay with not sleeping.
Example: Take off your shirt for 20 minutes of sunlight a day. Put blue light filters on your phone and desktop screens or eliminate them altogether after 8 p.m.
70% of the population is dehydrated, a condition that wreaks havoc on the mitochondria. Mitochondria are capable of absorbing water.
Example: Drink three to four liters of water a day. Start your day with a liter of positively magnetized water, which will restart your colon. The real challenge is to find clean, natural water, preferably spring water. If your only source is filtered water, remineralize it with a pinch of Himalayan salt. Or use molecular hydrogen to improve hydration (recently used by Chinese hospitals to strengthen the immune system). You can make magnetized water with our AquaMAG device, which you can find on our website.
Work, relationships, hobbies, and other activities we enjoy and find meaningful are linked to longer telomeres. Telomeres are like shoelaces, except the laces are made of DNA. When the laces untie, we age. Telomeres are extremely measurable, making them a practical measure of mitochondrial health. According to a major telomere study, the bad guys that cause the most damage to telomeres and mitochondria are chronic stress, negative thoughts like fear and anxiety, hidden trauma, strained relationships, and bad neighbors—things we don’t necessarily realize, but we need to recognize before we can address them.
Improving the immune system by serving our little powerhouses, the mitochondria, is the best choice to deal with hostile microorganisms.
We are designed to be self-regenerating, self-healing wonders when we have enough energy!